July 2024

July 2024

Upcoming Dates

  • Every Thursday: Deutsch Farms in Pool Area at 2:45-3:30pm
  • August 26: Next HOA Board Meeting at 6:00pm
  • September 1: Second installment for the Special Assessment due
  • September 2: Last day of PR Pool operation for 2024 season

Monthly Safety Tips


Monthly Safety Tip from Local Law Enforcement

  • Lock your doors (car and homes)
  • Do not leave a spare key inside your vehicle
  • Close garages at night
  • Don’t leave purses/wallets inside your vehicles (or visible!)
  • Turn on ALL exterior lights on your house at night (burglary prevention)
  • Keep bushes trimmed so you can see out the windows (burglary prevention)
  • Security cameras are highly recommended (very affordable).  Make sure you get one that uploads to the cloud some text
    • If you have a security camera make sure it works.  Renew subscriptions, etc
    • Make sure security cameras are angled to get good views of a suspect’s face.  If the camera is too high it can restrict the front profile view which negates law enforcements efforts to identify the thieves.
    • Clean your security cameras twice a year.  They are outside and subject to the elements (bird poop, bird nests, wasp nests, etc).

Always keep your eyes out for your fellow neighbors.  Our #1 crime prevention technique is US!

Community-oriented policing starts in our neighborhoods!  So if you see something, say something!

Community Information

Thunder over Persimmon Ridge

Thank you so much to all who attended this year's THUNDER OVER PERSIMMON RIDGE! We had a wonderful evening filled with great food and loud booms 🎆 We cannot wait till next year's celebration! Please let us know how we can improve the party by sending an email to Melinda@contactcornerstone.com. Check out the recap video below.


B Sign Group Order Form 2024.jpg

Persimmon Ridge Mailboxes

We are excited to announce that the PR HOA has formed a new partnership with B SignGroup located in New Albany, Indiana to handle mailboxes and signs for the community.

As you may know by now, Al Birch Sign Company notified the HOA a while back that they could no longer provide mailboxes for the community. As a result, I researched alternatives and submitted to your HOA Board four good options as a replacement forAl Birch.

At the June Board meeting, your HOA Board selected B Sign Group as its mailbox and sign partner. We believe you will be thrilled with the ease of doing business with them.B Sign Group is a full-service mailbox and sign company, used by many large HOAs in the surrounding metro area.

Please keep in mind that ALL mailboxes must be green, with the approved configuration unless your lot is an estate tract.

Now that we have a reliable mailbox partner that is full service, we are asking ALL owners, within 60 days of this notice, to bring their mailboxes up to an acceptable standard which means:

  1. Color - The approved green color, freshly painted. No fading, no chipping, no rusting, clean (not pooped on), or otherwise in disrepair
  2. Flags – They must be the standard shape and size and must be red, not pink or faded
  3. Numbers – The numbers must be gold with the standard font and placed on both sides of the box
  4. Post – The post must not be leaning, no fading, no chipping, no rusting, clean and free of stains, or otherwise in disrepair
  5. Mailboxes and paper boxes must not be dented or otherwise in disrepair

The HOA will continue to offer the standard paint for owners to borrow AND return without charge. Just contact me to borrow the paint.

In mid-September, Melinda will be doing a drive through focusing solely on mailboxes and my hope is that everyone will have taken a hard look at their mailboxes and will have performed any necessary maintenance. If not, notices will go out to owners whose mailboxes need work.

There is an order form that B Sign Group has developed specifically for PersimmonRidge to streamline the ordering process. You can order parts from this list, and they can also provide any scheduled maintenance.  The order form was emailed to all residents on July 3 with this notice.  The new form will be available for self-service in the new portal system Cornerstone is rolling out in the next month or so.

We are very excited about working with B Sign Group and hope that this new partnership will help all residents of PR to keep their mailboxes maintained.

Please reach out to Melinda at Cornerstone with any questions atMelinda@contactcornerstone.com.

no soliciting | tell that to the travelling salesman! | lance robotson ...


There have been questions about Solicitors in Persimmon Ridge. To solicit in ShelbyCounty, the person must have a permit. If they don’t, they can’t solicit. The sign at the entrances reenforces the fact that no homeowner wants soliciting at their door. ShelbyCounty also states that solicitors can’t go door to door before 8am or after 8pm. Most importantly, the solicitor must leave the property when requested.

Based on the above, here are some suggestions on what to do if you have an unwanted solicitor at your door.

  1. You can ask them to provide proof or their license/permit.
  2. Assuming they have one, tell them that Persimmon Ridge does not allow solicitation(signs posted at entrances).
  3. At that point, simply tell them to leave your property.
  4. If they won’t leave, are aggressive, or if you are fearful, call the Shelby CountySheriff (502.633.4324).

The HOA is aware the sign at the 2nd entrance regarding soliciting is missing and we are working on getting it replaced.

New Property Management Software!

Cornerstone Property Management is excited to announce that we are now partnering with a new property management software company AND bank effective July 1st of this year. As your Property Manager, I am personally very excited about this new direction for Cornerstone because these two new partnerships will enhance our customer service efforts in so many ways. A letter from Cornerstone will be sent in the coming months.

Gone are the days of just our payment portal. Through our new software provider, CINCSystems, you will soon have access to your account history once the transition is completed (hopefully by the end of August). Please be patient as our transition team is still working to transfer over all the ledger data. This could take a while yet. For thoseof you who need make your final Special Assessment payment, or those of you whowant to go ahead and create an account, you can do this by going tocontactcornerstone.com, select the green Homeowners Portal button at the top of the page and click Register.  Follow the prompts.

Any payments made via check MUST be sent to the following NEW address, including payments directed from your bank. Make sure to update the mailing address if you direct payments from YOUR bank:

Persimmon Ridge HOA

c/o Cornerstone Property Management Processing Center

PO BOX 87555

Carol Stream, IL 60188-7555

You MUST include your account number in the memo portion of the check. The account number will be included in all invoices.

As the PR module is built out in the software, you will begin to see monthly financials posted that will include an Income Statement and Balance Sheet, along with the ARC form, mailbox order form, the governing documents, etc.  From a property management perspective, we will be able to track, manage and communicate so much more effectively using the new software tools.

If you have any questions or need assistance with registering, please call theCornerstone office at 502-384-9012 and someone will be glad to assist you.

Thank you,

Melinda S. Eaton

Property Manager

Cornerstone Property Management Company

Community Reminders

What equipment should I use when teaching my dog or puppy to walk on a ...

Homeowner Responsibilities for Pets

Owners are responsible for all animals at all time.  When an animal is outside, they must be under the owner's control at all times.  Please keep your dogs leashed.

Any aggressive behavior can be escalated to Animal Control to investigate and issue any warranted citations. Here is a link to their website.  Animal Control - Shelby County(ky.gov).


Here is an excerpt from Persimmon Ridge's Covenants, Conditions & Restrictions(CC&Rs):

In addition to the Persimmon Ridge CC&Rs, there is a Shelby County ordinance as well.Details from the ordinance can be found here:




Persimmon Ridge Pool

Pool Pavilion Rental

The Persimmon Ridge pool pavilion is available for rent! The rental fee is $75 for 4hours and includes 10 guest passes.  You must be a member of the pool to rent the pavilion.  If you have questions or would like to rent the pavilion, please reach out toBryan Federico at BFederico0819@gmail.com.

Adult Swim

Adult swim is available at the PR Pool every Tuesday and Thursday from10:00-11:00am.  You have to be a member of the pool.

Please make sure you are registered for the pool if you would like to either use your 4passes included with your HOA fees or if you'd like to join as a member of the pool.Details to register are below.

Hours of Operation:

Sunday – Wednesday 11:00am – 8:00pm

Thursday – Saturday 11:00am – 9:00pm

Note: Pool hours will change once school begins on August 7th.  At that time, the pool won't open until 4pm after school on Monday-Friday.  Weekend hours and closing times will remain the same. Adult swim will not be available when the hours change onAugust 7th.

Click here to register for the pool.

Want to have a major impact on the aesthetics in your community with little to no cost?? Attention to these details can have a positive visual effect on the community.

  • Landscaping around your mailbox post should not be overhanging the street. While trimming, trim back any overgrowth growing into the street.
  • In many areas throughout the community, there is grass poking through cracks and cervices between the roadway and curbing. Spray some round up or pull the grass out.
  • Next time you are power washing, don’t forget the curbing in front of your homes (if you have them - many streets do not have traditional curbs).
  • Don’t forget to weed areas in landscaping around the driveway and roadways. Pull weeds growing up through bushes.
  • If there is landscaping around a sign post on your lot, you are responsible for maintaining it. Please, for safety reasons, trim back all landscaping around signs so they are fully visible.

Exterior Alterations Requests

Please make sure if you are planning any change to the exterior of your home to fill out the Architectural Review Form that can be found on Cornerstone’s website (examples include a fence, playground set, fire pit, deck, dumpster etc).  This includes if you will have a dumpster on site for any project for any amount of time.

Once Melinda receives your application, the process usually only takes a few days to complete. She works closely with all applicants to ensure the Architectural ReviewCommittee (ARC) has what they need to evaluate your project for a successful result.Click here to access the form on Cornerstone's website.

If you ever have any need from the PR HOA, please reach out to Melinda atCornerstone at melinda@contactcornerstone.com.

Thank you for reading,

We want to hear from YOU!

Voice matters.jpg

We'd love to hear from you! Please submit any feedback on this newsletter or suggestions for future topics here: Persimmon Ridge Feedback and Suggestion Box

Do you have a story or photo you would like to be highlighted in the nextNewsletter?

Submit your story along with any pictures to Melinda atMelinda@contactcornerstone.com.

Thank you for reading,

The PR Communications Committee

Connie Colbert and Sarah Saneii

Thank you PNG