Did you know that there is a restaurant in Persimmon Ridge?
Elmore’s (named for Elmore Just – who started Persimmon Ridge) is located in thePersimmon Ridge Golf Course Clubhouse (left side if facing the clubhouse). And you don’t have to be a member to eat there! They are closed on Mondays and closed fromJan 17-Feb 1. In addition to what’s on their menu they also have a new pizza oven.What a great perk to have a restaurant right in our neighborhood! They were even open starting Wednesday the 8th after our big snow!!
Link to website for hours and menu and daily specials…. Elmore's restaurant
The new software portal that Cornerstone introduced mid last year has severalfeatures. In the past, the portal was merely a payment portal. In an effort of additionaltransparency, we now have the ability to place all HOA monthly financials, including anIncome Statement and Balance Sheet, along with the ARC form, mailbox order form,the governing documents, prior newsletters and board meeting minutes on theHomeowners Portal. You can also continue to make payments through the portalthrough a variety of options.
There is a website login as well as a mobile application that allows for additional convenience. You can download the mobile app by going to the App Store and searching for Cornerstone Property Management. To the right is a screenshot of the dashboard of the App. The highlighted yellow area is where you can view theDocuments listed above. This feature will continue to be built out with additional documents. Please continue to check back for updated documents.
Link to portal: https://cspm.cincwebaxis.com/ (access by going to www.contactcornerstone.com and selecting Homeowners Portal at the top)
If you have any additional questions, please reach out to Cornerstone at melinda@contactcornerstone.com.
Special thanks to Michael and Kelly Higdon for volunteering to support the AnnualAiken Road Clean Up efforts again this year! The clean up will occur Saturday, March22 from 8am-10am this year. Persimmon Ridge adopts Aiken Rd from Ash Ave to LongRun Rd. More details will be shared in subsequent newsletters and on the Facebookpage.
Greenscapes is the company that will be taking care of our landscaping and mowing again in 2025! Last year was the first year we used them, and they did a phenomenal job! Each year, in addition to the normal plantings we do (front entrances, islands onPersimmon Ridge Drive), we also try and spruce up one or two new areas (depending on cost). The Kenzeli Court Island was completed in October of last year while Nikki Poma and Steve Hamilton were on the landscape committee and the refresh looks fantastic! The old landscaping was removed and Cypress, cats mint, hydrangeas, and new mulch were added.
If you have any feedback for the landscape committee please use the feedback link in the newsletter.
If you are interested in serving your community, please notify Melinda Eaton via email at melinda@contactcornerstone.com. There are several open positions on the board that we need to fill for 2025, including a Secretary, Events Coordinator, and a third Director.
Please include a short bio (50 words or less) stating why you are interested in serving on the board.
Below is the notice of the 2025 Annual Meeting that was sent out this week. We need5-6 volunteers to help with registration and to help ensure the meeting begins on time. If you can help with the check in process, please let Melinda know.
Notification of 2025 Annual Meeting
As provided by the By-laws of the Persimmon Ridge HOA, the Annual Meeting ofOwners will be held:
DATE: Thursday, February 6, 2025
TIME: 6:00pm – 8:00pm
PLACE: PR Golf Club – Upstairs Room
Please join the PR HOA board and your neighbors for the 2025 annual meeting to beheld at the PR Golf Club, Upstairs Room, on February 6th. The meeting will beginpromptly at 6:00pm so please arrive a few minutes early so we can get everyone signedin prior to the meeting. We also need 5-6 volunteers to help with registration. If you canassist with getting your neighbors signed in, please let Melinda know.
Call for Board Nominations
If you are interested in serving your community, please notify Melinda Eaton, theProperty Manager, via email at melinda@contactcornerstone.com no later thanFebruary 3, 2025. Please include a short bio (50 words or less) stating why you are interested in serving on the board. The HOA needs the following positions filled:Director (the most senior director rolls off each year), Special Events Chairperson and Board Secretary. Please specify in your email to Melinda what position you are interested in serving.
Current Financials and 2025 Budget
A copy of the most recent financial statement and the 2025 HOA budget will be available at the meeting.
Discussion Topics
An agenda will be available at the meeting. There will be an opportunity for an open forum. The following topics will be discussed (not in order): new pool management contract, overview of the financials and 2025 budget, 2024 capital initiatives and 2025planned projects. Any questions should be directed to Melinda Eaton, PR PropertyManager, at 502-384-9012 or via email at melinda@contactcornerstone.com.
We look forward to seeing you at the Persimmon Ridge Homeowners Association2025 Annual Meeting February 6, at 6:00pm.
The Persimmon Ridge Golf Course dumpsters are not for resident and community use. The PR Golf Course let the HOA know that a camera was recently installed to monitor the dumpsters as it seems they are being used by others outside of the Golf Course. Signs will also be placed on the dumpsters as a reminder that they are not for external use. Grills and other large items have been placed in their dumpsters recently that have not belonged to the Golf Course.
If you have a large bulk item to get rid of, please call Melinda at Cornerstone and she can help you arrange a bulk pick up at your home. This service is part of PR’s contract with Waste Management.
The sign and flag letter below was sent to all homes in early December. Please makesure you read the details in the letter below as this serves as every homeowner's firstnotice. Any flags and/or signs not adhering to the policy will receive a second noticeafter the annual meeting in February. As with anything, please reach out to Melinda atCornerstone, melinda@contactcornerstone.com, with any questions.
Dear Persimmon Ridge Neighbor:
This letter is to address the recent community discussion related to the display of signsand flags that arose during the fall election season.
The PR Board of Directors wants to clarify any confusion related to signs in thecommunity and inform every resident of the Association, via this written notice, thatsigns and flags are prohibited based on the Persimmon Ridge Declarations ofCovenants, Conditions and Restrictions created in 1991 and the legal opinion thatconfirms sign and flag restrictions within the community.
With regards to signs, they are not permitted, including but not limited to contractorsigns, political signs, school signs, birthday signs, etc. In the PR Declarations, Article V,Section 9B, it specifically states, “No sign for advertising or for any other purpose, shallbe displayed on any Lot or on a building or a structure on any Lot except two signs (onelocated in the front yard and one located in the rear yard) for advertising the salethereof, each of which shall not be greater in area than 9 square feet….” This samerestriction is found in item number 15 in the Estate Tract Declaration.
The Planned Community Act, which became law on June 29, 2023, does allow politicalsigns during a certain time frame before and after an election. However, Section381.786 of the Act specifically states that nothing in the new law shall invalidate
anyexisting provision
of a community’s documents. PR’s Declarations were adopted in1991. Accordingly, the Planned Community Act provision related to signs does notsupersede the existing PR restriction. The Board must enforce the sign restriction, andit will expect the Property Manager to monitor and address any such violations of thesign restriction per its contract with Cornerstone Property Management and consistentwith the established Non-Compliance of Declarations Policy.
Also, please remember that earlier this year, the Board offered various Amendments tothe Declarations, specifically, one that would have permitted some signs. The proposedAmendment failed to pass the threshold of 75% approval from the community. Onlyabout half of the owners in PR voted, with roughly 60% of those who voted were infavor of permitting the display of some signs.
Regarding flags, only the United States of America flag and the Commonwealth ofKentucky flag is permitted. This has long been the policy of the Association. One smallgarden style flag that is non-political in nature is permitted on each lot. The Board willexpect the Property Manager to monitor and address any violation of the flag policy perits contract with Cornerstone Property Management and consistent with theestablished Non-Compliance of Declarations Policy.
We ask all residents to please comply with the sign declaration and the flag policy. Thisletter is considered a First Notice. We want to thank our community for its support andrespect for the community rules that all owners agreed to when they purchased theirlots in the community. As a reminder, all of the community’s governing documents canbe found on Cornerstone’s website at
. Please contactMelinda Eaton, Property Manager, if you have any questions related to thiscorrespondence or if you would like to address the Board at an upcoming meeting.
PR HOA Board of Directors
The PR Board conducts bi-monthly meetings. The next meeting is scheduled forTuesday, November 12 at 6:00pm. There is always an opportunity for residents to attend the open session at the beginning of the meeting to discuss whatever topic anyone wants to bring to the board's attention. In order to get on the agenda for the next meeting, please contact Cornerstone at melinda@contactcornerstone.com.
Please make sure if you are planning any change to the exterior of your home to fill out the Architectural Review Form that can be found on Cornerstone’s website (examples include a fence, playground set, fire pit, deck, dumpster etc). This includes if you will have a dumpster on site for any project for any amount of time.
Once Melinda receives your application, the process usually only takes a few days to complete. She works closely with all applicants to ensure the Architectural ReviewCommittee (ARC) has what they need to evaluate your project for a successful result. Click here to access the form on Cornerstone's website.
If you ever have any need from the PR HOA, please reach out to Melinda atCornerstone at melinda@contactcornerstone.com.
Thank you for reading,
We'd love to hear from you! Please submit any feedback on this newsletter or suggestions for future topics here: Persimmon Ridge Feedback and Suggestion Box
Do you have a story or photo you would like to be highlighted in the nextNewsletter?
Submit your story along with any pictures to Melinda at Melinda@contactcornerstone.com.
Thank you for reading,
The PR Communications Committee
Connie Colbert and Sarah Saneii