February 2025

February 2025

Upcoming Dates

  • March 11: Next HOA Board meeting (6:00pm) - email Cornerstone(melinda@contactcornerstone.com) if you have topics to discuss with the board
  • March 22: Aiken Road Cleanup (8:00am-10:00am) - Meet at First Entrance
  • April 13: Easter Egg Hunt (2:00pm-4:00pm) - Meet at Pool Parking Lot
  • April 26: Neighborhood Yard Sale (8:00am-2:00pm)
  • May 1: Second payment due for 2025 HOA Dues ($390)
  • May 24: Persimmon Ridge Pool Opening Day (11:00am-9:00pm)

This Month's Safety Tip

Safety - Handwriting image

Tips to Prevent Theft and Intrusion

One of our own Persimmon Ridge residents who works for Louisville Metro PoliceDepartment gave us a good reminder at the Annual Meeting this month around tips to help prevent intruders and theft for residents in our neighborhood.

  • Keep your garage doors closed
  • Keep your exterior lights on at night
  • LOCK your car doors
  • LOCK your entry doors
  • Remove valuables and garage door openers from vehicles left in the driveway overnight

Community Information

Security Camera Success Story


As a reminder to all residents, the HOA installed LPR (license plate reading) cameras at both entrances about a year ago. We wanted to give a quick update on the first year or so of having the cameras. In that time we have had 5-10 requests for plates or footage.There have been mixed results with helping solve cases when footage is requested. We have found footage of the vehicles involved in the nefarious activity each time that a request has been made, however, the success rate of solving the cases has only runabout 50%. The reasons for the varied success is that in many of the cases the perpetrators are using stolen vehicles, stolen plates, or have no plates at all. In these cases, the vehicles or plates are swapped and even if we get a plate it becomes difficult for the authorities to track and find the perpetrators.

That being said, we have had several success stories ranging from helping the golf course with illegal dumping issues, getting a local concrete company to repair a drain culvert that one of their trucks destroyed, and most recently with helping to catch an individual that was entering the neighborhood and stealing supplies and tools from construction sites. That individual was caught and arrested, and found to have stolen items not just from our neighborhood.

In the event that any homeowner has a need for footage, the process for requesting footage is as follows:

  • A homeowner or police officer should reach out to Melinda(melinda@contactcornerstone.com) to request camera footage and provide the police report number associated with the event.
  • Please provide any footage from Ring, Nest, or other home security systems of the vehicles, approximate date and time of the incident, direction the vehicle came and left from, color, make, and model of the vehicle along with any other relevant details.Any additional information will be helpful with the identification of the vehicle and the plate number.
  • After the footage is reviewed and the vehicle identified, the footage is shared with the relevant police officers along with the police report number.
  • Only 3-4 weeks of footage can be stored at a time, so please make sure to file a police report and request the footage as soon as possible after an incident.

The board policy is to not share footage or plates directly with homeowners in order to protect the privacy of residents of the neighborhood, and also to make sure that any action taken from the footage is handled by the appropriate authorities. This is for the protection of the neighborhood to prevent any retaliation or accidental accusations without proper vetting.

If you have any questions about this process, please reach out to Melinda atCornerstone (melinda@contactcornerstone.com).

Cornerstone Portal for Homeowners

The new software portal that Cornerstone introduced mid last year has several features.  In the past, the portal was merely a payment portal.  In an effort of additional transparency, we now have the ability to place all HOA monthly financials, including anIncome Statement and Balance Sheet, along with the ARC form, mailbox order form, the governing documents, prior newsletters and annual meeting and board meeting minutes on the Homeowners Portal.  You can also continue to make payments through the portal through a variety of options.

There is a website login as well as a mobile application that allows for additional convenience.  You can download the mobile app by going to the App Store and searching for Cornerstone Property Management.  To the right is a screenshot of the dashboard of the App.  The highlighted yellow area is where you can view theDocuments listed above.  This feature will continue to be built out with additional documents.  Please continue to check back for updated documents.

If you have any additional questions, please reach out to Cornerstone at melinda@contactcornerstone.com.

Call for Board Nominations

If you are interested in serving your community, please notify Melinda at Cornerstone via email at melinda@contactcornerstone.com. There are currently two open positions on the board that we need to fill for 2025, including a Secretary and Events Coordinator.

The Events Coordinator would manage the Thunder over Persimmon Ridge firework event coming up in July as well as several other events later in the year, such as theSanta Visit and Light Decorating Contest.  If we do not have an Events Coordinator, then these traditions are in jeopardy of not continuing.  The current board is at capacity and does not have the ability to manage these events.

Please include a short bio (50 words or less) stating why you are interested in serving on the board.

Community Reminders

Exterior Maintenance and Persimmon Ridge Covenants

Spring is right around the corner.  The fewer notices our Management company has to send out, the more time they have to work on other items to help our community.Please remember that there will be a courtesy notice sent initially, a second notice gives warning of a fine, then with the third notice, there will be a fine imposed.  Below are some commonly seen issues throughout the community that we wanted to bring toy our attention prior to the start of Spring.

  • Mailboxes
    • Missing numbers or numbers that are the wrong font.  Call BSG at 812-949-7446.They are PR’s mailbox provider.  Numbers are $18.00 + tax and shipping (shipsUSPS).  Total is $21.08.  This is for both sets of numbers (one for each side).
    • Mailbox flag color is red.  If you have a mailbox flag that is faded or a different color, please order a new one.  BSG does not sell them and can be purchased onAmazon or another big box store. Please see picture for currently approved flag design.
  • Landscaping
    • Weeds in landscape beds
    • Dead trees or bushes
    • Bushes that need trimming

Facebook is not the best way to notify the HOA about issues!

There have been several posts lately on the HOA Facebook group about safety and maintenance concerns throughout the PR community. If there are concerns that need to be addressed, please send an email to Melinda at Cornerstone(melinda@contactcornerstone.com) so they can be taken care of.  Thank you to everyone who notifies the HOA of a concern!

Bi-Monthly HOA Meetings

The PR Board conducts bi-monthly meetings. The next meeting is scheduled forTuesday, November 12 at 6:00pm.  There is always an opportunity for residents to attend the open session at the beginning of the meeting to discuss whatever topic anyone wants to bring to the board's attention.  In order to get on the agenda for the next meeting, please contact Cornerstone at melinda@contactcornerstone.com.

Exterior Alterations Requests

Please make sure if you are planning any change to the exterior of your home to fill out the Architectural Review Form that can be found on Cornerstone’s website (examples include a fence, playground set, fire pit, deck, dumpster etc).  This includes if you will have a dumpster on site for any project for any amount of time.

Once Melinda receives your application, the process usually only takes a few days to complete. She works closely with all applicants to ensure the Architectural ReviewCommittee (ARC) has what they need to evaluate your project for a successful result. Click here to access the form on Cornerstone's website.

If you ever have any need from the PR HOA, please reach out to Melinda atCornerstone at melinda@contactcornerstone.com.

Thank you for reading,

We want to hear from YOU!

Voice matters.jpg

We'd love to hear from you! Please submit any feedback on this newsletter or suggestions for future topics here: Persimmon Ridge Feedback and Suggestion Box

Do you have a story or photo you would like to be highlighted in the nextNewsletter?

Submit your story along with any pictures to Melinda at Melinda@contactcornerstone.com.

Thank you for reading,

The PR Communications Committee

Connie Colbert and Sarah Saneii

Thank you PNG