We have a lot of new fawns in our neighborhood this year. We wanted to include some safety tips while driving to avoid hitting a deer. The below are great tips, compliments of Geico.
1. Watch for the rest of the gang
Deer are pack animals, and rarely travel alone. If a deer crosses in front of you, chances are there are more nearby.
2. Timing is everything
Deer are most active at dusk and dawn: periods when your vision is most compromised.To add to their terrible timing, deer are on the move during mating season (betweenOctober and January) when you’re more likely to travel after the sun sets. Slow down and stay alert, especially after dark.
3. Use your headlights
You may spot a deer because their eyes will brightly reflect a car’s headlights, making them easier to spot.
4. Brake, don’t swerve
If you see a deer, brake firmly and calmly, and stay in your lane. Swerving could make you lose control of your vehicle and turn a bad situation much worse. Deer are unpredictable, and you could swerve directly into their changed path.
5. Stay center (if traveling on a multi-lane highway)
On a multi-lane road, the center lane is your safest bet for avoiding a deer collision, as long as your local traffic laws permit it. This gives deer plenty of space; and in case your vehicle does startle them, it gives you more time to react if one darts onto the road.
6. Wear your seatbelt
Call for Board Nominations
If you are interested in serving your community, please notify Melinda Eaton via email at melinda@contactcornerstone.com. Please include a short bio (50 words or less)stating why you are interested in serving on the board.
Playground and Pavilion Project
The playground and pavilion project is currently underway. Demolition has occurred, and the new concrete pad for the pavilion has been poured. The pavilion structure is scheduled to be built first followed by the playground. We are hoping that construction will be complete by end of October.
New Tennis Court Benches
We are excited to bring new benches to the tennis courts. There is one bench for each court.
New Late Fee Policy in effect beginning October 15
At the September 2024 Board Meeting, the PR HOA Board of Directors unanimously adopted a new Late Fee Policy. Please see below. This new policy was put into place due to the previous policy not getting the attention of those who continued to put off paying their required balances.
New policy:
A late fee of $50.00 will be assessed on any account that exceeds the due date for the first month (30 days).
Thereafter, a $25.00 per week late fee will be assessed until the balance is paid in full.
Additionally, any member carrying any balance will be prohibited from using any community amenity, including but not limited to the pool, pavilion, playground, tennis courts, etc.
The board will consider a reasonable payment plan for hardship matters, at their discretion, and on a very limited basis.
Cornerstone Property Management will continue to follow the 30, 60, 90 day notices.The Board of Directors will approve accounts to go to the Association’s attorney for collection.
All fees related to collection, ie attorney fees and court fees will be billed to the account holder and in accordance with the declarations.
If you have any questions related to this policy, please call or email Cornerstone at502-384-9012 or at melinda@contactcornerstone.com.
Mailbox Maintenance
As you were alerted back in the early summer, Cornerstone was scheduled in mid-September to complete an evaluation of mailboxes and to alert owners whose mailboxes need some TLC.
Last week, Melinda spent about 3 hours in the community evaluating each mailbox and notating any maintenance issue. Melinda said it was great to see that so many residents have used the new contractor to replace, paint or otherwise improve their mailbox assembly! The improvements were definitely noticed!
There are some mailbox assemblies that still need some attention. What was mostly noticed is fading of the assemblies; dull paint, pink flags and numbers that are not very legible.
Beginning this week, Cornerstone will be sending a courtesy notice to owners who mailbox assemblies still need attention. Please accept the notice with the spirit it is given, which is a community wide effort to improve the curb appeal of the overall PR community.
Because of the number of notices that will be sent, Cornerstone will be staggering the mailings so not to overwhelm Cornerstone or B Sign Group with questions.
Thank you to those who have updated your mailbox ahead of the scheduled evaluation and to those who do what is asked should you receive a friendly notice. It would be much appreciated if you would shoot Melinda a quick email at melinda@contactcornerstone.com once your maintenance is completed so she can clear your address.
Please note: If you have any questions whatsoever about the notice, please don't hesitate to reach out to Melinda at melinda@contactcornerstone.com. She has already received several calls and questions from residents about notices of fading mailboxes despite them being replaced within the past year. Please know she is always willing to discuss any concerns with the notices.
Bi-Monthly HOA Meetings
The PR Board conducts bi-monthly meetings. The next meeting is scheduled forTuesday, November 12 at 6pm. There is always an opportunity for residents to attend the open session at the beginning of the meeting to discuss whatever topic anyone wants to bring to the board's attention. In order to get on the agenda for the next meeting, please contact Melinda at melinda@contactcornerstone.com.
Exterior Alterations Requests
Please make sure if you are planning any change to the exterior of your home to fill out the Architectural Review Form that can be found on Cornerstone’s website (examples include a fence, playground set, fire pit, deck, dumpster etc). This includes if you will have a dumpster on site for any project for any amount of time.
Once Melinda receives your application, the process usually only takes a few days to complete. She works closely with all applicants to ensure the ARC has what they need to evaluate your project for a successful result. Click here to get to the form onCornerstone's website.
If you ever have any need from the PR HOA, please reach out to Melinda atCornerstone at melinda@contactcornerstone.com.
We'd love to hear from you! Please submit any feedback on this newsletter or suggestions for future topics here: Persimmon Ridge Feedback and Suggestion Box
Do you have a story or photo you would like to be highlighted in the nextNewsletter?
Submit your story along with any pictures to Melinda at Melinda@contactcornerstone.com.
Thank you for reading,
The PR Communications Committee
Connie Colbert and Sarah Saneii