August 2024

August 2024

Upcoming Dates

  • Every Thursday: Deutsch Farms in Pool Area at 2:45-3:30pm
  • September 1: Second installment for the Special Assessment due
  • September 2: Last day of PR Pool operation for 2024 season
  • September 3: Next HOA Board Meeting at 6:00pm
  • Early September: Playground and Pavilion project will begin. Area will be closed once work begins.
  • October 31: Neighborhood Trick or Treating 5-8pm (porch lights on = house is participating)

Monthly Safety Tips


Pedestrian and Golf Cart Safety Tips

With school starting and the days getting shorter we wanted to focus our safety tips on pedestrian and golf cart safety. These are just a few tips to help keep our children and residents safe.


  • Watch for adults and children walking or riding bikes in the street, especially sincePR doesn’t have sidewalks.
  • Watch for children getting on and off the school bus and do not pass when the bus is loading or unloading.
  • Stop at all STOP signs.


  • Pedestrians walk facing traffic, so you can see oncoming traffic and you know the car sees you.  If cars are coming from both directions consider moving to the grass so cars can safely pass.
  • If walking/running wear clothing so cars can see you.  i.e. wear reflective gear if it’s dark, especially since we do not have street lights.

Golf Cart Safety

  • Follow all traffic laws and watch for cars and pedestrians.
  • Golf cart drivers MUST be a minimum of 16 years old AND possess a valid driver's license to drive on Shelby County roads (our roads in the neighborhood are county roads, not private).
  • Golf carts that are allowed to be driven on the roads have to be inspected by theSheriff and have an emblem with "slow moving vehicle" on it.  There are also other requirements necessary to be labeled as a Low Speed Vehicle (LSV) by the state.
  • They cannot be driven on the roads after dark.

Community Information

Playground and Pavilion Project

The playground and pavilion project will get under way once the pool closes for the season.  We do not yet have a date when the construction will begin, but we will post that on Facebook and send an email out when we do know.  Once construction begins, the playground and pavilion area will be closed.

New Tennis Court Benches

We are excited to bring new benches to the tennis courts.  There will be one bench foreach court.  They have been ordered and should be in place late next month.

no soliciting | tell that to the travelling salesman! | lance robotson ...


This continues to be an issue in our neighborhood, so wanted to keep this information top of mind for everyone.  To solicit in Shelby County, the person must have a permit. If they don’t, they can’t solicit. The sign at the entrances reenforces the fact that no homeowner wants soliciting at their door. Shelby County also states that solicitors can’t go door to door before 8am or after 8pm. Most importantly, the solicitor must leave the property when requested.

Based on the above, here are some suggestions on what to do if you have an unwanted solicitor at your door.

  1. You can ask them to provide proof or their license/permit.
  2. Assuming they have one, tell them that Persimmon Ridge does not allow solicitation(signs posted at entrances).
  3. At that point, simply tell them to leave your property.
  4. If they won’t leave, are aggressive, or if you are fearful, call the Shelby CountySheriff (502.633.4324).

The HOA is aware the sign at the 2nd entrance regarding soliciting is missing and we are working on getting it replaced.

Landscape company trimming back bushes

Greenscapes has been in the neighborhood trimming back trees and bushes in areas that make it difficult to see around the corner, such as over the bridge past the villas entrance.  They have also taken care of the overgrown area along the path betweenPersimmon Ridge and the Overlook.  If there are any areas that you see that need to betaken care of or have questions about any of the landscaping areas within the community, please reach out to Melinda at Cornerstone

Call for Board Nominations

If you are interested in serving your community, please notify Melinda Eaton via email at Please include a short bio (50 words or less)stating why you are interested in serving on the board.

Community Reminders


Special Assessment Second Payment DUE by this weekend, September 1!

This is a reminder for anyone who has not paid the second payment of the SpecialAssessment.  It is due by September 1.  You can make the payment by check or via the online portal at Please reach out to Melinda atCornerstone at with any questions.

Persimmon Ridge Pool

This is the last weekend the pool is open for the season.  The pool's last day isMonday, September 2, 2024.  Please see the hours below for the rest of the season.

Hours of Operation:

Wednesday, August 28: 4pm-8pm

Thursday, August 29: 4pm-9pm

Friday, August 30: 4pm-9pm

Saturday, August 31: 11am-9pm

Sunday, September 1: 11am-8pm

Monday, September 2: 11am-8pm (last day)

Exterior Alterations Requests

Please make sure if you are planning any change to the exterior of your home to fill out the Architectural Review Form that can be found on Cornerstone’s website (examples include a fence, playground set, fire pit, deck, dumpster etc).  This includes if you will have a dumpster on site for any project for any amount of time.

Once Melinda receives your application, the process usually only takes a few days to complete. She works closely with all applicants to ensure the Architectural ReviewCommittee (ARC) has what they need to evaluate your project for a successful result.Click here to access the form on Cornerstone's website.

If you ever have any need from the PR HOA, please reach out to Melinda atCornerstone at

Thank you for reading,

We want to hear from YOU!

Voice matters.jpg

We'd love to hear from you! Please submit any feedback on this newsletter or suggestions for future topics here: Persimmon Ridge Feedback and Suggestion Box

Do you have a story or photo you would like to be highlighted in the nextNewsletter?

Submit your story along with any pictures to Melinda

Thank you for reading,

The PR Communications Committee

Connie Colbert and Sarah Saneii

Thank you PNG